In Europe: economic recovery from the war, fear of another war breaking out.
In the US: return to isolationism and a focus on a growing consumer market
In Asia: establishment of their government to taken seriously by other world powers.
The Interwar Years varied dependent upon the country or area of the world. Those on the losing side faced more difficult situations with severe economic depression and devastated national morale.
William Wilberforce was inspired by his Christian faith to do humanitarian reforms and was a proponent for the abolition of the slave trade. With the help of some Christian, and politically involved friends they were able to push the Slave Trade Act. He also made some social reforms on working conditions.
<span>Mary Wollstonecraft was also an author of several civil rights writings and was very much of a feminist and an advocate for women's rights.
Both of them fought for the rights of people. They only differ in their focus.
Texas shared the position of other slave states regarding the future of new territories and new states. It wanted the expansion of slavery. Southern states advocated a popular sovereignty solution, that is, new states to be admitted to the Union should choose by themselves. The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act was a political compromise. Nevertheless, Texas had important objections. In a speech in the Senate delivered on February 15, 1854, Texan leader Sam Houston lists two important obstacles: Nebraska had a too small population in order to sustain organization , and Kansas was a land with very few white settlers and entirely occupied by Native tribes.
The Anti-War Movement was a student protest that started as the Free Speech movement in California and spread around the world. All members of the Anti-War Movement shared an opposition to war in Vietnam and condemned U.S. presence there.
He planned to expand Italian territory and create an empire.