Adult have more stress, they have more responsibility than kids and adolescence. Some example could be they have house to pay, they need to give the children food, and their certainly very tired after couple hours of working. For adolescence, they don't have that much responsability, they go to school, learn, study and prepared their future. Very old person does not really have a high stress level, their children take care of them, is their time to relax. Middle and high schooler have stress with study homework things related. But adult have the most stress since they have a lot more responsibility, so we can conclude stress affect you with your responsibilities and your feelings, an example is being and love and the other person does not feel the same.
started rumbling the first we really sat down and did nothing the second time we ran outside but are friend Robenson pulled our hands and told us: “do not go because if the house fell and you guys are outside the concrete would probably kill you but if you guys are inside with the zinc roof you would have way more chances to survive.” Luckily the house did not fall.
Highlighting that networks are improving their representation of minority groups but also pointing out why networks have more work to do in promoting diversity.
It goes to say that if you are absent from television your absent from Americans view. And how you are perceived is how you are treated. Television needs to showcase successful minorities in judiciary, business etc and not focusing on portraying negative images about them.