“The Princess and the Pea” is a short but fascinating tale written by the famous Hans Christian Andersen. It's about a prince who wanted to marry a real princess. Luck smiled upon him and sent the girl that claimed she is precisely that, right to his front door.
Explanation: That book is very fantastic its a classic you can read it online too.
Answer: Belle wakes up
she tries to ride her bicycle but fails
her dad tells her not to give up and she finally rode her bike for the first time
belle falls asleep of thinking of the day she had and the important lesson is never quitting
Yeah sure whatever you need
Answer: (C.) She is the antagonist who creates conflict to move the story forward.
Eating unhealthy food over a long period of time can cause stress, tiredness, and even dreppression. Over time, you may develop a type of illness, such as, being overweight, tooth decay, or high blood pressure. It is highly recommended by many doctors and scientists that you eat healthy, however, you sould not starve yourself, as your body will then go into starvation mode. Your metabolism slows down and you start to persevere body fat. Therfore, you gain, not lose. Hope this helps!