For example, if there is a L shaped sketch and you dimension from the bottom of the L to just above the horizontal part, and then you dimension the vertical part from the end point of the last dimension you'd be okay. But, if you dimensioned both of those lengths and then the total length you would be over dimensioning the sketch.
Music has always been integral to any celebration. For all the important moments in your life, music plays an important role in the overall atmosphere and vibe of each event. It is an art form that allows us to have fun, dance, and enjoy celebrating different milestones.
Research has shown that making music can be beneficial for people in a number of ways – including creating a sense of control over own lives and in establishing connections with others, Professor Clarke says: 'Research shows that this does make people feel better and closer to others.
No one is worried about other people's backgrounds, culture, race, or how they identify themselves; most people that attend concerts and music festivals aren't there to judge others. Music brings love into the air – it makes people feel more connected and it creates memories that will last for a lifetime.
A moving picture is an illusion that makes a still photo seem to move. The basic principal behind motion pictures is the fast transition between one picture to the next, almost creating a seamless transition. A flip-book is a good example of this. Another example would be film used for old movies. The film contains negatives of an image which when light is shined through creates a "shadow" of the image. If you quickly transition the film from one image to the next you end up a motion picture.