Down the great rivers that flow into the Baltic Sea. Then the sailors would portage (carry and drag) their ships between rivers, heading for southern flowing rivers, such as the Dneiper and Don,
The Homestand Act was a series of laws which motivated people to expand the US territory, in the first version of the law the applicant, any American and even freed slaves, could ask for up to 160 free acres of federal land.As a result, America could expand and explore lands to the west. The last patch of land granted by the law was in 1988, it was 80 acres in southeastern Alaska.
About 35 years. Genghis Khan created the Mongol empire in 1206. By the 1230s Batu Khan invaded Russian and Bulgarian lands. In 1241 at the battle of Mohi Batu Khan defeater a combined German, Polish and Hungarian army. Further expansion ceased do to the death of Ogedei Khan. Batu Khans attention was turned to succession instead of invading Western Europe.