In a nonfiction work, the text that features alphabetically lists key terms and their definitions is <em>Glossary</em>. A glossary is an alphabetically ordered list of words, that are technical or difficult to understand with their definition. It is used in nonfiction works and it refers to a specific subject or text. It is like a small dictionary.
Gender stereotyping is defined as an overgeneralization of characteristics, differences and attributes of a certain group based on their gender. For example: while men who don’t appear or act masculine are called “sissies” or “wimps” or assumed to be gay, which is a very offensive stereotype in the LGBT community.
The answer is c. Frankenstein's singular devotion to his small group of friends
Romanticism is a style of art that focuses on imagination and emotion. Romantic literature has this unique feature in which the attention is on the protagonist or the feelings of the character, depicting an inner world that previous writers have often ignored.
<span> by using </span>incorporating<span> in </span>his<span>composition the </span>voice<span> of other</span>
An amount that is measured by the patients' size, I believe