I would say that the Rocky Mts were the youngest of all these mountain ranges as they were created between 80-55 million years ago during the Laramide Orogeny and also they are generally much taller than the other mountain ranges mentioned here which is a characteristic of young mountain ranges and their features are sharper as they haven't been eroded the way most of these others have so have been subject to erosion for less time than the others.
Answer: in the other types of boundaries lithosphere plate is either created ie: (divergent plate boundaries where new oceanic crust is formed) while at convergent old oceanic crust is destroyed . But in the case of transform boundaries the plates slides past each other and lithosphere plate is neither created or destroyed . California San Andreas fault is a transform boundary.
The ranking of common igneous silicate minerals based on the temperature at which crystallization occurs is called Bowen’s reaction series.
In Bowen’s reaction series the minerals with high crystallization temperature are present at the top layer. This means these minerals are the first to crystallize from the magma and they are mostly unstable. The Bowen's reaction series is represented in the Y shape. The left branch of this Y has minerals containing iron and magnesium. They are called as Ferromagnesium minerals.
The right branch of the Y contains plagioclase feldspars minerals. Temperature gradually decreases down along the Bowen’s reaction series from
. At certain low temperature, the two branches combine forming minerals similar to felsic rocks such as orthoclase feldspar, quartz and muscovite mica.
The word religion means a basis, a standard to follow based around a belief system that is tempting to have become a reality. It is a picture perfect idea that can help lead someone through their life's hardships, and support them by receiving and giving prayers to live their holiest and most full life. Some religions have lasted for such lengths of time since they have a structure built around them, they've gained a following of people who are attracted to the ideas the religion offers. For example, Christianity has grown and built itself into modern societies since it has ideas that people are attracted to and want to be a reality, such as the afterlife, which rewards someone for living a holy life, giving them a forever heaven after they die. Governments can also play a power in ingraining religions into a nation, making it last for thousands of years.
My own words and explanation. :)