When you’re referring to the actual color of your eyes, you don’t need to use los before eyes. But let’s say, you get something in you eye that makes it a little red, or you cry a lot, or laugh a lot and someone asked you what happens with your eyes... you say, tengo los ojos rojos
O el garaje esta debajo del bacon
The garage is below the balcony. Its the only one that makes sense
1. No, no conduje hoy.
2. Me dijo que tiene una cita con Gabriela esta noche.
3. Estuvimos en la casa de Marta.
In this exercise you have to select the correct option taking into account what you hear at the audio. So you have to choose the most logical response.
For example:
1. No, no conduje hoy.
- No, I did not drive today.
2. Me dijo que tiene una cita con Gabriela esta noche.
- He told me he has an appointment with Gabriela tonight.
3. Estuvimos en la casa de Marta.
- We were at Marta's house.