Answer: Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold made a name for himself in the American Revolution for the wrong reason of being a traitor. After pledging loyalty to and fighting for the American cause, he switched sides and fought for the British against the people he had once led.
Arnold claimed that he was disrespected in the American army because other officers usually took the credit for his operations. He was also accused of corruption and when investigated it was found that he had borrowed heavily from Congress to fund a lavish lifestyle.
After marrying a woman with British connections, he made plans to defect and surrender West Point in New York to the British but this plan was discovered whereupon he fled to the British and upon joining them, led battles against the Americans.
You could find it on the internet
Revolutionary Period (1764-1789) Defending the Colonies against attack by the French and others had cost the British a great deal of money. As a result, the British had very high taxes in their country. They thus decided to shift some of their financial burden to the colonists.
What are the 3 major revolutions in order?
This course considers the literature, culture, and politics of three major revolutions in the Atlantic world at the close of the eighteenth century: the American revolution, the French revolution, and the Haitian revolution.
What is the important things in revolutionary period?
This lesson summarizes six foundational documents from the Revolutionary Period: the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers, The Alien and Sedition Acts, and the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793.
I don't know I think they can preduct the future