1. Si no detenemos el calentamiento global, el hielo en el Polo Norte __________se derretirá _____________________.
2. Si el hielo se derrite, los osos polares no _____ tendrán _______ un hogar.
3. Preservaremos nuestro planeta por muchos años más si _ lo cuidamos __ y __ evitamos el calentamiento global__. Muchos animales estarán en peligro de extinción si la cantidad de bosques __ disminuye__.
Ans: they didn't want the Spanish to take it.
Because they were defeated by the Spaniards and they never wanted them to take away the city.
What is the man doing? The man is swimming in the pool. The man is doing cycling in the pool. Man is hiking in the pool. The man is running in the pool.