Despite their geographical proximity, Japan and China are very different countries, with unique historic, political and social features. While China is one of the largest communist countries in the world, Japan is a – rather open – parliamentary constitutional monarchy.
It think what you chose was right
Draft- A preliminary version of a piece of writing
Draft- compulsory recruitment for military service
Tolerance- the ability or willingness to tolerate something in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
He also advocated tolerance towards the dissenters.
Committee had been formed to draft a new constitution.
president who stopped slavery
Manifest Destiny. beleif held in 19th century by many Americans that U.S. was destined to (meant to) span from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean, spreading its culture and democracy; belief had political, economic, and social roots:growth in U.S. economy increased demand for (and value of) farmland, ranches, and furs; the cotton gin increased the area in which cotton could be grown profitably; the discovery of gold in California attracted 80,000 people in1849