you got this and never give up
A map serves two purposes: It is a tool for storing reference material and a tool for communicat- ing geographic information. route between two places and to avoid getting lost along the way.
evaporation is when a mass of water is hit by sunlight and some of it turns to a vapor. In the atmosphere, that vapor cools and the water molecules fuse with other water molecules, forming clouds. (condensation) When the clouds become full, the water precipitates onto land or into the ocean in the form of rain, sleet, snow or hail (precipitation).
The roads present between these villages.
The place which is present between these four villages is the place where roads can be constructed with available money so this place is the best location for the construction of road that connect all four villages to each other. Only those roads are constructed which is located between two villages with the available money because the money is not well enough for the construction of very big roads.