He supported advances in art, architecture, science, math, and education.
It added depth and made it more realistic. It opened artists and peoples eyes to the idea of representing distance and depth in art.
Starr and Waterman mention that a listener can recognize a distinctive vocal timbre by the “grain” of a singer’s voice. Artists listed in the text include Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, Aretha Franklin, Neil Diamond, Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Raitt, Dr. Dre, and Bono. What adjectives might you use to describe the timbre of these artists’ voices? You may wish to consider such terms as rough, smooth, gravelly, smoky, silky, coarse, bright, nasal, or brassy.
Maybe do her initials in like a huge rainbow format or her favorite colors
No he did not. He preferred drawing life-like objects free handed.