There are many different trains of thought that lead Americans to their own mindset about the aid of Middle Eastern independence.
Generally speaking, there are many people who believe that the United States should be the Police of the world or the hero of smaller countries and help them since they have the power to do so.
Others believe that the United States has no rights of interfering in foreign affairs and should mind their own business.
There are those who just don't agree with the idea of sending kids to die for other countries as well, no matter why.
Very many.
85% - 95% of Native Americans have died due to disease from Europe, with Europeans exploring the New Continent, and animals being brought over from Europe, most couldn't fight the diseases.
By facilitating vocational training
Allied nations wanted to diminish Germany’s economic and military power
This is the correct answer of edge as I got a 2/2 (100%) on this section of the test. There is further proof that I am correct in the file attached.
An excerpt from "The Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties in terms of loss of territory, massive reparations payments, and demilitarization."
If you read this carefully it matches the answer I have provided.
An enduring issue is a problem or obstacle which countless societies have tried to solve in varying ways.