La palabra Desayuno es plana o grave porque la sílaba tónica es la penúltima sílaba. No tiene acento
Hello friends. I am Patrick and I live in Los Angeles, USA. Today I go out to take photos of the yellow, red and orange colors in my city. It is October and it is a little more windy and cold. 3 I am Juana, I am Argentine. Today is June 1st. It is cloudy, but good weather. I am wearing my tennis shoes and shorts to go running with my cousins. 1 I'm Pat, I'm American. Today is August 3 and it is hot, the temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit. I am wearing a swimming suit. I have sunglasses and flip flops. 4 I love to go out with my dog when it is neither hot nor cold. In the month of May in Barcelona the weather is good. With a shirt and long pants I'm not cold, I don't need a coat. 1. It is summer. 2. It is winter. 3. It is spring. 4. It's fall matching
The instructions cannot be found on the question posted. However, we can infer that what is needed is to complete with the correct form of the verb.
1. <em><u>Lave </u></em> (lavar) la ropa con el nuevo detergente. 2. <u><em>Salga </em></u> (salir) de su casa y disfrute del aire libre. 3. <em><u>Diga </u></em>(decir) todo lo que piensa hacer hoy. 4. <u><em>No beba </em></u>(beber) demasiado en la fiesta. 5. <em><u>Venga </u></em>(venir) preparado para pasarlo bien. 6. <em><u>No se vaya </u></em>(irse) No sin probar la langosta de Maine. 7. Ustedes <em><u>no coman </u></em>(comer) No con la boca abierta. 8. <em><u>Oigan </u></em>(oír) música clásica en casa. 9. <em><u>No pongan </u></em>(poner) los codos (elbows) en la mesa. 10. }<u>Traigan </u>(traer) un regalo a la fiesta de cumpleaños. 11. <u><em> Vean </em></u>(ver) programas de televisión educativos. 12. <u><em>Conduzcan </em></u>(conducir) con precaución(caution) por la ciudad
All the words with which the gaps were filled are written in present simple, using an imperative form (that is, giving orders)because the context tells us that these are a list of things that someone should be doing.
Moreover,in sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 the verbs are conjugated with the first person singular: "I". Whereas sentence 7 explicitly contains the plural subject pronoun "ustedes" = "you". The rest of the sentences don't specify a subject pronoun, therefore we infer that they should be formed with the latest subject pronoun used, that is "ustedes" = "you"
1. Me gusta usar las blusas anchas.
2. Uso la ropa oscura.
3. Yo uso una talla pequeña.
4.No me gusta la ropa de cuero.
5. A mi no me importa el precio de mi ropa.
6. Me gustan mucho las chaquetas.
7. Me gusta la ropa de 100% algodón.
Que se supone que es tú tarea.
Para poder ayudarte.