Germany intended to build up a powerful empire by occupying territory to the east and south. Then, after overrunning France, it would use air assaults to force Britian to make peace.
Despite his contributions to the antislavery cause, Brown did not emerge as a figure of major significance until 1855 after he followed five of his sons to the Kansas territory. There, he became the leader of antislavery guerillas and fought a proslavery attack against the antislavery town of Lawrence.
He believed it was necessary to have cooperation and support from the international community:
"...not only do we seek the terrorists, but we also hold the governments that harbor them and feed them and house them and hide them, accountable for their behavior as well
obama or kennedy obama showed the U.S. that even a balck man can control a country. kennedy showed people that being racsist should not be a option or a thing and he was assasanated bc he said to much truth about the gov.