"she" would be the pronoun.
You can rewrite this question as "She is your best friend?"
So in that case, "she" would be the subject.
In English, you just switch around "is" and the subject to make a question and make it sound Englishy
PS in Italian (and probably other languages) you would just say "She is your best friend?"
The answer is C. because none of the other ones have anything to do with the paragraph.
11. At the end...they die...then they're still alive...then Max says she can see the end of the tunnel...and then they're alive again. At the end, you can't even tell if they are alive or if they are in some parallel universe or Heaven or something and it's a new beginning.
People have and still are affecting the environment by littering. We also don't recycle as much as we should. We are greatly contributing to the destruction of the ozone layer. Fossil fuels hurt the environment. Even water pollution and deforestation is caused by us.
Staying true to the constitution and the rights of all citizens.