ex. Buzzing-noise, anothen head between I will he walking-noise like thing a ver thought an eat buzzing-noise middle somebody's a buzzing a long to and, from the on," sat thought anothe got of the down at is something-noise lived and buzzing. If then place up, and as head buzz! Buzz! Buzz! I wonder Robin. "It was he day, Winnie-the tree." "Winnie-then he climbed Christopher Robin. "It was out large of is funny honey is he only reason for making-noise, a because you're a foot up, and the name of all got.
The longer lines and stanzas in "The Snow-Storm" suggest a very wind-driven, active snowfall and a more active response,
the shorter lines and stanzas in "It Sifts from Leaden Sieves" suggest a gentler snowfall and a gentler response.
Black musicians had to face racial segregation, racism and the artistic devaluation of their work.
During the Harlem Renaissance, jazz became a very popular song in the black community. The black musicians were brilliant and extremely talented and were able to compose exciting and completely admirable music. Over time, this song started to please the white US elect who started to hire black musicians to play in bars and restaurants. However, blacks were not allowed in these places because of the great racism and social segregation that were established in America. The white elite, however, allowed black musicians to enter these places so that they could entertain white guests with music, which was not artistically valued, but seen as mere entertainment and a way to keep blacks working for whites.
Ya lol what the question?
to make the people of London suffer</span>