Well, you have finally made it! Good job, you are one step closer to becoming closer to me!! How does it feel? Anyway, all jokes aside I wanted to tell you how proud I am that you have made it this far, and while I hope the worst is behind you there is still much to come. SOmethings that helped me were friends. Make some, the right ones. Don't hang around the "bad crowd" as our parents say (but also don't be too uptight). Make sure you actually go to class... ahem yes even math. AND! Makes sure you have fun. Obviously, there are many more things that I should cover with you, and over time I will but for now, just have fun. Again, I am so proud of you and I wish you the best. Stay out of trouble!
Think about what you are going to say, then write it out. The introduction is suppose to include your theme which determines what your essay/story is about.