phân tích chỉ ra vi phạm quy luật ý kiến hoặc những lập luận sau đây :
bà già đi chợ cầu đông
mua 1 quẻ bói lấy chồng đợi chăng
thầy bói gieo quẻ nói rằng
Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan are the primary pigment colors used for subtractive combination in printing. A combination of any of the colors will produce subtractive secondary colors. The answer is letter B. Hope this helps!
i post same pic for points thank u
Trompe-l'œil (French for '"deceive the eye"') is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions. Forced perspective is a comparable illusion in architecture.
1. He positions many of the figures so that they are gazing at the central figure.
2. He uses an asymmetrical design to draw your eye to the central figure.
3. He gives the central figure different colors, values, and textures than the other figures.
4. He uses similar shapes in the central figure and surrounding figures.
hope this helps.