If you allow credit, most people would not payback money. Forgetting credit is the similar to loan, many people spent their loaned money unwisely.
"Spain" decided to gamble on Christopher Columbus new and radical route to the east by sailing west
The kingdom of Spain had decided to gamble on the long sail which will move across the unknown ocean. They did to get back the gold as well as spices, they have also been promised the Columbus that they will 10% of the profit, along with the governorship over the newfound lands. and they have also famed that it would go with the new title Admiral of the Ocean sea.
1960 would be the correct year.
Poland because the <span>government, held it in poland</span>
The answer is D.
William Patterson’s “New Jersey Plan” supported giving each state and equal amount of votes. Instead of the plan we use today which states that each state has the same number of senators and different numbers of congressmen (House of Representatives) based on the population of each state.
The reason why smaller states approved of this plan is because if each state has an equal amount of representatives, then the smaller states will be equal to states that have larger population. This plan is similar to The Articles to the Confederation. Which we know was not successful. Fortunately, people did not support this plan because they believed that this plan would make the national government they wanted weak.