Natural minor
D Major would have an F# and C#, so it must be a minor -- d minor.
The relative major of d minor is F Major, so the key signature is b flat. There aren't any other accidentals, meaning it's not melodic or harmonic minor.
The answer is A. Vibraphones.
strings is the family that includes violins, cellos, guitars, etc.
brass includes trumpets and the tuba, etc.
percussion includes drums, tambourines, etc.
You can become a rockstar if you never give up and give it your all. You have to have the talent though and if you don't then start taking classes and you will never regret it. You will love becoming the best version of you and being skilled at what you love. Practice makes perfect and passion is key. You have to plan out your future and have back up plans of different routes to go in your career as a musician, because time precious. Going to college is a great opportunity to learn about your profession and improve your abilities.
Etruscans had a strong belief in <u><em>fate</em></u>.