To me, the golden spiral is the proportional basis that makes the most sense. In a landscape painting the views eye is automatically directed to the center of the spiral and can be used by the artist to put their subject in the eye of the viewer.
creates surreal text that are not based on reality
Merce Cunningham
In the same period he was strongly influenced by the gay couple Merce Cunningham (a choreographer) and John Cage (a composer). Working together they explored the contemporary art scene, and began developing their ideas on art. In 1958, gallery owner Leo Castelli discovered Johns while visiting Rauschenberg's studio.
Is it one of these:
1. Keith haring
2.claes Oldenburg & coosje van bruggen
3.robert raucshenburh
4.richard Hamilton
5.roy Lichtenstein
6.peter Blake
7.andy Warhol
8.david hockney