The definition of pilón is a tall cup/grinding stick used to crush corn into a flour.
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A. La jirafa es <u>más alta que la gallina</u>
B. La comida asada es menos perjudicial para la salud que la frita
C. Carlos es menor que Alejandro
D. Marisol es mayor que Sofía
E. El león es mejor que la tortuga
F: La leche es tan saludable como la soda para la salud
G. El jaguar es más rápido que la araña
H. El pescado es menos grande que el pollo
I. El hipopótamo es mas gordo que la serpiente.
J. La cebra es mas gorda que el caballo.
1. At the beginning of the story, what did Ildara bring from the field?
Why do you need it?
2. What does your father (Uncle Clodius) notice when Ildara bent over the fire?
• How did the father react?
How did Ildara answer him?
3. Where is Ildara going?
Why isn't the father accompanying her?
4. What did Uncle Clodius do to his daughter?
• What was the result of your behavior?
How does the story end?