Why is it important to know about maximum sustainable yield (MSY)?
To manage human take from the wild, one needs to know how much can be safely taken without
depleting the resource one wants to take from, and without otherwise negatively impacting the
environment. Fishing is no exception. As scientists and managers have discussed how much fish can be
safely taken out of the sea one concept has become a key tool for fisheries management: maximum
sustainable yield (MSY). In order to participate in the debate about fishing limits, one needs to have an
understanding of the basics of the MSY concept. This briefing is aiming to provide this.
What is MSY?
In population ecology and economics, MSY is the largest average yield (catch) that can theoretically be
taken from a species’ stock over an indefinite period under constant environmental conditions. It is
usually measured in tonnes. To have a viable and thriving fishing sector, the size of fish stocks must be
above levels where they can produce the maximum sustainable yield over an indefinite timeframe.
Answer: These are the right answers:
1. es
2. es
3. son
4. es
5. está (make sure you add the accent at the end. Otherwise it translates as "this").
6. está
7. está
8. está
9. estás
10. es
11. eres
12. estar
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can also be added that in this exercise they are asking you to fill out the blank with the appropriate form of the verbs SER and ESTAR, which translate in English as TO BE. Non-Spanish speakers often find that these two verbs are difficult to differentiate. Although we would need an entire session to explain the different uses of these verbs, I would argue that generally speaking, we use ESTAR when we think that the quality is the result of a transformation, which can be real or supposed. In addition, we use it to place the subject. So, for instance, in sentence 5 it is said: "He is overwhelmed (he has become that way) with his studies (as a result of his studies)," hence the use of the verb ESTAR. We use SER in order to make general judgements, as well as to identify the subject. So, for instance, in sentence 11 it is said: "Julia, you are a good girl."
Hacia, salí, vi, pagaba, ponía, decidimos, despedirnos, busque, estaba.
Hope that works for you, and hope you can understand the words
1. Jorge celebra con sus amigos.
2. Ellos beben muchas copas juntos.
3. Jorge habla con una muchacha por teléfono y ella
le dijo que la sirena del barco sonaba
4. Él se fumo un cigarrillo y pensaba en el plan de huir con la muchacha. Él quería salir, pero sus amigos le obligaron a beber más.
5. Al ir a su coche, Jorge tambaleo.
6. Mientras él conducia a mucha velocidad, la muchacha le esperaba en la cantina.
7. Ella medito sobre su gran amor por Jorge; pero se sentía muy triste por sus padres.
8. Al salir de allí la muchacha andaba bajo una densa niebla.
9. Jorge se mordio los labios porque el coche no avanzaba nada.
10. Al acercarse a la cantina a Jorge le pareció que algo se movia en el camino.