The answer is C)
The predators were unable to keep the population of the mussels down. The mussels took more area of the rock. Other species that needed space did not return to the tidal pool. Otters can also be keystone species as they eat urchins. By doing so, they prevent the sea urchins form eating all the kelp plants and removing the entire habitat for many other species. The Keystone Species theory shows that this impact of few predators, that made up a minor amount of the total species, could have such a high impact on the ecosystem.
This simple online tool makes it easy to calculate the difference in hours and minutes between two given times. To calculate the hours and minutes contained in a time period you need to know its beginning and end. The hours calculator will use the time format depending on your browser locale settings, e.g. US, UK.
After you enter the beginning and the end of the time period you are interested in, you simply click the "Calculate difference" button. Below you will get the difference in both full hours and in minutes. If the first hour you enter is later in the day than the second hour you enter, the time difference is calculated as if the first hour is for today and the second is tomorrow. For example, entering a start time of 6PM and end time of 8AM in the calculator, it will calcualte the difference in hours, minutes, and seconds from 6PM today to 8AM tomorrow (14 hours).
This calculator for the number of hours between two times could be used to find out for how long you have worked in order to fill in time sheets. For example, how many hours are there between 9 and 5:30 pm (or 9:00 and 17:30)? You simply need to enter the two times in any order and click on "Calculate". The result will be 8 hours 30 minutes (8:30 hours or 8.5 hours in decimal) or 510 minutes. There are 8 full hours between these times.
C. Saudi Arabia is the answer.
The problems that the Middle East faces because of water scarcity are that the population is concentrated in very small areas, agriculture is on a low level, and the population growth is limited. Some of the strategies used for this problem are strictly controlled water supply, desalinization, and artificial rainfall.
e The Middle East is one of the poorest regions in the world when it comes to water supplies. This has caused numerous problems and even nowadays with the advancements of technology they are hard to solve. Because there are huge areas that don't have any water at all, the populations are usually very concetrated near the very few water supplies. The population growth is limited because there simply isn't enough water for large population growth, and agriculture is only possible in small areas, while it lacks in the majority of the region.
In order to solve some of these problems, the leaders have been coming up with some solutions. Israel has been using technology to produce rainfall, which has had excellent results. The water supply is heavily controlled and no one is allowed to overuse it. The biggest problem, water for drinking, has been solved by using the process of desalinization of the saline water.