I agree with the person above.
1. English borrowed the word A. el poncho from Spanish, and Spanish borrowed champu, ziper, and sandwich from English.
2. B. El sandwich is the word that Spanish borrowed from English.
3. The cognate in this sentence is the word C. balcon, or balcony in English.
The answer for this question is Son
Main Characters - Suzie, Zay, Lizy
Event- Suzie goes to school a bit late causing her hair to look a mess
Conflict 1- Runs into a mean girl (named lizy) and gets bullied about her hair
Conflict 2- Suzie gets into a dispute with Lizy about judgement
Conflict 3- Lizy makes fun of Suzie with her friends.
Resolution- Zay defends Suzie and tells lizy bullying is another way to express jealousy. Causing lizy to apologize, addressing how she is failing and needs help, she's jealous of how Suzie is so smart in science whereas she is failing. So Suzie helps Lizy and now they are friends. They have more in common than they thought.
I hope I answered correctly
During the A. introduction stage of culture shock a person is excited about and interested in all of the new cultural experiences.
This is the stage when everything is still new, you are in love with the country and the language, and this may change over time.