Hola (nombre de amigo)!
Estoy muy feliz que vas a venir a visitar Latino America conmigo! Primero vamos ir a Puerto Rico, y usualmente es 88°F en Junio. Luego a El Desierto de Sonora, es peor obviamente porque es el desierto (104°F). Pero no se preocupe, porque Tierra de Fuego es mucho mejor (64°F). Espero verte pronto, ten un buen día! Adiós!
Sinceramente, (tu nombre)
weather in=
Tropical Puerto Rico: Daily high=88°F, rarely 85°F. Daily low=77°F, rarely 75°F.
Sonoran Desert in Northwest Mexico: Routinely exceed 40°C (104°F), and often reach 48°C (118°F).
Tierra del Fuego in Southernmost Tip of Sough America: Average daytime=64°F and 50°F at night.
during June
Part 36
1. B
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C
Part 37
2. Yo tengo dos hermanas.
3. Usted tiene un cuaderno?
4. Nosotros tenemos cinco profesores.
5.¿Ustedes tienen de amigos?
Since this is a question that needs audio that I don't have access to, I can't give you the exact answer. But I can give you some advice so you can answer it on your own.
What you are asked in this question is to listen to an audio so that you can answer what Lola can do.
The options we have are:
- Clean and order (Limpiar y ordenar)
- Store and vacuum (Guardar y pasar el aspirador)
- Set up and set the table (Arreglar y poner la mesa)
- Sweep and wash (Barrer y fregar)
The best option is to listen to the audio more than once until you become familiar with it. I also recommend that you use the tool that most online translators have where you can paste the phrases in Spanish and reproduce them. This way if you hear something similar in the audio, you will get your correct answer.