A crush or a squeeze with force so that it becomes flat soft or out of shape
I believe the tone is somewhat dramatic based on the dialogue such as "shot his hand out in front of him", it makes the story seem a lot more interesting than what it really is; a normal encounter.
A book's introduction is closely related to the content of the book itself. Usually found in nonfiction work, the introduction may summarize the main argument presented in the rest of the book, define any important terms, or fill in background details.
Once you are out of school there will be lots of pressure that you will have to handle, nobody will spoon-feed you, and nobody would even pinpoint where you are making mistakes. Even if you fail in life, you will have to take responsibility on your shoulders.
Oh! These are different because, one is about justice while on the other hand, 12 Angry Men is all about 12 white men who want to get a black boy killed.