Hope you are referring to WW1
the league of Nations who was formed. the league formation followed the agreement of treaty of Versailles . in addition, Germany was allowed to keep it's land but was to pay heavy penalties as a result
The term monopoly is often used to describe an entity that has total or near-total control of a market.
-people wanted to move because they wanted better lives. they faced dangerous journeys .
-they moved west because land was cheap or free and they thought they would do better business in the west .
-people who weren't making business or wasn't making any money, found the opportunities to move west to start everything all over again
Quakers settled in Pennsylvania...founder of William Penn William Penn was the absolute proprietor of Pennsylvania (he held the royal charter) and had pronounced religious tolerance for all. Other colonies were often religiously linked and intolerant of religious views outside narrow limits.
He welcomed Catholics and Quakers among others. Because the Colony was established as a refuge for European Quakers. Pennsylvania was a favorable place to settle: climate, land, port and government. Philadelphia was at the time the best developed city in the continent.
Because the Colony was established as a refuge for European Quakers.
You see, William Penn was a friend of king Charles the second and the king did not want to kill William Penn for being a quaker. So he basicly gave him a grant to find land so he would escape persicution. Then have a place for religious freedom.
It was used to justify to protecting america’s national interests in its “back yard”