Industrialism had widened the technological gap between Africa and the West and industrialism led for a greater need for a secure and steady supply of raw materials, which Africa had in abundance, and for an increased desire for markets for the abundance of goods supplied.
There are lots of articles can be found on the internet about the negative impact of a democratic society to the citizens.
Find the links below:
1. The Green Garage Blog
- It provided not only the disadvantage of democracy but also the advantages. According to this article, an example of disadvantage of democratic government is the misuse of public funds.
2. Mind Controversy
- Compare to the first article, here, it only tackles on the disadvantages. It points more on the possible corruption of the leaders.
3. Quora - Disadvantages of Democracy
- In this article, it provide answers to questions about disadvantages of democracy.
The definition of strategy is a careful plan or method for achieving a certain goal.
की गई इस कारण है लेकिन इसे कहते सुना नहीं होता क्योंकि ये कार ने यह कहकर मैंने एक जोरदार तेजी जारी रहा नहीं कर पाए लेकिन जब महिला है वह किसी महिला नंगा ही हैं लेकिन ये