Yes, the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success. Through prosperity, through hard work, determination, and initiative.
When Amir hesitates when they should be starting for the tournament, Hassan encourages him, saying, "There's no monster, just a beautiful day." This then reveals Hassan's unending loyalty and love for Amir.
B is certainly the moral answer. When a source is shown to be untrustworthy, citing it only amplifies the problem. It is similar to how fake news stories have become a problem on social media. Often people share them without taking time to confirm they are true.
1. Some exercises were done by Tom everyday.
2. Good cakes are made by my aunt.
3. The pigs are fed by Bill every morning.
4. The fishing village was destroyed by a silent storm.
6. The party last night had a lot of invitees.
7. America was discovered by Christopher in 1492. (debatable)
8. 2 centuries ago, Tan Ki house was built by them.
Make the second noun the subject
a traditional Japanese poem.
3 short, non-rhyming lines