He soon used his power to address the status of Christians, issuing the Edict of Milan in 313.In 324, Constantine defeated Licinius and took control of a reunited empire. After this triumph, Constantine founded the city of Constantinople on the site of Byzantium.
In the Middle Ages, the Church provided for the religious aspects of people's lives – baptism of babies, marriages, confession, the last rites for the dying and burying the dead.
But the Church did much more than this:
Monasteries and nunneries looked after the old and sick, provided somewhere for travellers to stay, gave alms to the poor and sometimes looked after people's money for them.
Monks could often read and write when many other people could not, so they copied books and documents and taught children.
Monasteries often had libraries.
Church festivals and saints' days were 'holy days', when people didn't have to work.
The Church put on processions and 'miracle plays'.
The Church played a big part in government:
Basically the church did a lot during the Middle Ages and that made people want to be Christians.
Watercolor is a mixture of water with gum arabic,
They created shelter belts, implemented the Resettlement Administration, and implemented the Farm Security Administration.
He wanted to inform the country about the war and provide comfort for them during the depression