Hi there! The correct answer is "nous y allons samedi".
The word "y" replaces the words "au parc", because the word "y" always stands for a location.
The place of the word "y" in the sentence is in front of the direct verb.
These two things add up to the following conclusion: the correct sentence is "nous y allons samedi."
- They have more power to govern themselves than others.
- They are not all governed the same way.
Have a good day !
Good luck with your studies !!
Vous préférez manger au restaurant ou a la maison
here its present tense but ask me if you have more questions
Note: The texts in bold are written in french
The translation of this is;
<em>A special volcano erupts every 42 years, another special volcano erupts every 30 years. In - 646 BC, the two volcanoes were erupted. On a good morning of the year 9, Arménius remembers the year he experienced the eruption of two volcanoes. Knowing that at that moment he was 12 years old in which year was Armenius born?</em>
The answer is; Armenius was born 646 BC minus 12 years which is 634 BC
In french; <em>646 avant Jesus Christ</em>
Paris Métro has 16 lines but also RER <span>(Réseau Express Régional) system which is tightly integrated (easy transfers) into the subway system. Similar systems exist in almost all European major cities like London, Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Munich and countless others.</span>