A nightmare, also called a bad dream is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety or great sadness
a man whose job is to look after cows in certain parts of US
Talk about how many have come through the years.
For example: Many immigrants have entered (whatever country, I'd assume America but you can fill in the blamk) but by far the most that have entered would be (number here) and (this percent) have stayed and.....
And if not that, maybe talk about how their cultures have affected the world or another country because of immigration. I hope that helps!
Rites of passage are important occasions of somebody's life. For example, puberty, marriage, having children and death.
“The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant”
14 year-old boy asks Sheila out. They go to the cinema by boat. The boy covers the fishing rod and fails to catch a big bass. Then he is upset.
12 year-old boy goes out on a date with a girl for the first time. They go to the drugstore on foot. He has an orange in his pocket. She picks a chocolate. They take each other's hands. He peels the orange and she opens the chocolate.
A broadcaster is anyone working in broadcasting
A news anchor is the person who is the main host of the news program, or one of the main hosts. News anchors/newscasters are also a type of broadcaster.
A^27 is the correct answer