i got it rom here
Colom 1 Colom 2- barn doors and nets Colom 3-reflective bored
egg crate
neutral gel
i couldn't figure out the others but im glad to help!
The artist is Vincent Van Gogh, and he shows charged energy by using warm vibrant colors like red and orange.
B. Baroque Period
Terraced dynamics is an music style in which volume levels suddenly change from soft to loud and back, without gradual crescendos and decrescendos. This was a typical characteristic of music composition from the Baroque era, which dated between 1600-1750.
Different animals have evolved different types of digestive systems specialized to meet their dietary needs. Humans and many other animals have monogastric digestive systems with a single-chambered stomach. Birds have evolved a digestive system that includes a gizzard where the food is crushed into smaller .
When you choose Cargill as a partner in your beef cattle business, you can alleviate some of the uncertainty with our world-class nutrition science, business management expertise and innovative solutions.
Whether you are looking for complete feed, premixes or concentrates, we will combine practical knowledge with scientific excellence to ensure that our solutions meet your dairy cow's
exact nutritional needs
Whether you are producing, or supporting the production of, many birds a week, or managing a smaller operation, you really need to know that our solutions are evidence-based as well as innovative. To ensure strong performance for your business and birds.
We offer a wide range of solutions to ensure you have the right sow solutions to achieve the best healthy piglet performance feeds to maximize young pig intake and gain.
Take the next step with additives that can help support animal health and performance.
Answer: What is going on in the photo is the busy street of new York it is probably in time square it show people,buildings,build boards, and cars what could be happening out side the frame its a camera person trying to caption time square in action. 1. busy city and run 3.just another day 6. concatenate jungle 5.street 6.lights shine bright 7.the absolute tittle for this picture 8.see the work 9.capture then run 10.just a street 11.a ugly road 12.mugged 13.where dreams come true
next time do your work:) have a good day