- Mi mamá compra la comida.
- Yo uso la aspiradora.
- Mi papá trabaja en el jardín.
- Eduardo y Clara arreglan la casa.
- Mis hermanitos sacan al perro.
- Mi abuela cocina la cena.
∴ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ∴
- Gunther y Paco decoran el salón.
- Tú compras los refrescos.
- Yo busco los discos compactos.
- Marta toca la guitarra.
- Estela y yo preparamos la comida.
- Todos ayudamos con los preparativos.
- Silvia e Inés cortan las flores.
<h3><u>SpanishGirl</u>, Greetings!</h3>
idk how to answer this question
I dont think i could answer these myself so here is the english verion :)
What's your name?
How are you?
What do you look like?
What do you like to do?
What classes do you have at LLU this semester?
What is your favorite class and why?
What do you eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Who are your friends and how are they?
Where do you go on weekends and why?