A diminished interval has one less semitone than a perfect interval. Since C to G is a perfect fifth (7 half steps), C to Gb would be a diminished fifth (6 half steps). Since C to G is a perfect fifth (7 semitones), C to Gb would be a diminished fifth (6 semitones).
Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail. She is loyal, determined, trusting, and kind.
36. d. Djoser
37. a. Phonograms and ideograms
38. d. the rosetta stone
39. a. hieroglyphics
He was the one of the pharaohs of Egypt. During his rein, the step pyramid of saqqara was built in 27th century BC and this pyramid is considered as the first pyramid.
Phonograms and Ideograms:
These are the two signs of heiroglyphic which is a character used in the writing of ancient Egypt.
- Phonograms are the signs that convey the meaning with and without sound.
- Ideograms are such signs that are used for sounds of the signs.
The Rosetta stone:
This stone was a great achievement in understanding the hieroglyphic code (ancient Egypt writing) and after that it became easy to decipher the ancient Egypt writings.
These are the characters of Ancient Egypt writing language.
Copernicus was the first to propose a heliocentric system