Either "The Thirteenth Ghost" or "Sixth Sense"
BONUS: My favorite movie is "Pacific Rim"
The Dark Side of Technology
As in genre? If so R&B is one pop, rap and hiphop
Sometimes people don't want to continue in something they aren't good at because they either don't like to work for it or they don't like having something they can't do. They want to excel in every aspect of their life. But some people, like me, just realize that they are not good and don't necessarily see it taking them anywhere, so they don't try. You understand?
it is over when you say it is even if there is still CO.VID-19
around 2025 not 2021 still covi.d in 2022 and maybe no in 2023 but at this rate ther will still be and less c.ovid in2024 no more in 2025 in 4 more year and even thenthere might be a 2end struck