Puerto Rico
Capital-San Juan
La bandera de Puerto Rico es de forma rectangular consiste de cinco franjas horizontales, tres rojas y dos blancas.Tiene un triángulo equilátero azul con una estrella blanca solitaria en el centro. El significado es el siguiente: Las franjas rojas representaban la sangre derramada por los patriotas de la revolución. Las franjas blancas significaban la victoria, la paz venidera. El triángulo azul equilátero es símbolo del mar y del cielo de nuestro Puerto Rico. La estrella solitaria representa la isla.
Miran is the answer since it is in the Ellos form! So Mirar will conjugate to Miran!
"Primo" is the only male word on the alternatives given. It means "male cousin."
Prima - female cousin
Sobrina - niece
Suegra - mother in law
to love in spanish?? im not sure what you are trying to ask like what is to love in spanish or what is to please very much in spanish like you wannt to know how to say them in spanish or how to explain it in spanish
1. Homework for the class of _ is delivered on April 21.
2. The homework for the biology class is delivered on
3. Homework for the class is delivered on May 15.
4. Homework for the class of_ is for May 16th.
5. The homework for the literature class is delivered