The Russians suffered a defeat in the war, The Russians weren't that equipped to fight, and the Russian involvement seemed futile. (basically pointless)
Dred Scott was a slave who had been taken to northern states by his master. He sued for his freedom, but the Supreme Court refused to hear his case. The Dred Scott decision encouraged slaveholder's resistance to abolitionist activists.
It would be "Libidinous" that derives from a Latin word meaning pleasure, and "to condone" can mean to "encourage," although it is also commonly used to be "tolerate".
General Douglas MacArthur, the commander of the U.N. forces in Korea, issued an unauthorized statement containing a veiled threat to expand the war into China if the Communist side refused to come to terms. ... On April 11, 1951, President Truman relieved MacArthur of his command.
Revival meetings only took place outdoors, while church services only took place indoors. Revival meetings were led by preachers, while church services were led by church members.