Hyksos in modern Egyptology designates the kings of the Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt. The seat of power of these kings was the city of Avaris in the Nile delta, from where they ruled over Lower and Middle Egypt up to Cusae
Under the Pendleton Act of 1883, some government jobs were filled by. job applicants .... By calling their era the "Gilded Age," authors Mark Twain and Charles Warner were ...
Most definitely slowed down the pace of the war tremendously.
The nature of trench warfare made it almost impossible for either army to overtake the other. Attacking infantry was slowed down by the barbed wire and bombed-out terrain of No Man's Land, making the element of surprise unlikely. Later in the war, the Allies did succeed in breaking through German lines using the newly-invented tank.
Grinder is the answer I believe had same question on my test