This week marks the 81st anniversary of the death of the last known thylacine in Hobart’s Beaumaris Zoo, but “sightings”, videos, rumours and research are alive and well.
c. Montevideo, Uruguay (35°S)
Montevideo, Uruguay (35°S) had the longest day on June 21, 2019 during the Summer Solistics when the sun is directly over the tropic of cancer which is on latitude 23.5 degrees North. Montevideo is closest in latitude to this point among the options and as such will experience a longer day compared to the other options.
I would say it is better ways of predicting hurricanes and automobiles that use no fossil fuels.
I could be wrong but I hope this information helps you my friend :D
As far as a threat, North Korea has been seen as such for many years (since WWII), when North Korea sided with Russia. America and its Capitalism were not fond of the Communist party, and so we have really been fighting/being concerned about Russian influence.
Historically North and South Korea have been in conflict many years before America and Russia got involved. When we did though it got worse.
Trump has done very little to resolve this, some would say he is making it worse.
AND as for any current events ask Google!