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Data values in a program are held in variables. Variables are like containers for holding different types of data. A variable can be identified depending on the kind of data it holds. Variables can hold data types of integers, strings, arrays, lists, sets, Boolean etc. They hold unique data types and a can not hold different data types. Different rules exist for naming variables in different programming languages. A variable name should start with lowercase letters and be descriptive of the data it holds.
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Goals help provide our everyday lives with structure, and operate similarly at the institutional level, offering organizations a low cost method of encouraging motivation, communication and accountability. In short, goals help organizations to achieve a variety of ends—including the reduction of energy waste.
Energy efficiency improvement goals, also known as energy efficiency targets, are intended reductions in energy over a specified time frame that have been defined in a SMART manner. Targets are useful because they can encourage decision makers to improve the use of energy in their communities and operations. Moreover, energy efficiency targets can have short or long term timeframes and can be implemented on various scales, ranging from the national level down to individual buildings. Cities should explore both mandatory public sector targets and voluntary private sector targets to forge energy-efficient communities.
"A set is an unordered collection. A dictionary is an unordered collection of data that stores data in key-value pairs."
Set =>
Collection of non-repetitive elements.
No way to change items.
Dictionary =>
Collection of key-value pairs.
It's more organized and easier to look at
If it was just the raw data, it would take more time to analize, rather than it already being in a chart or graph