Liberal Party, un partido político estadounidense menor en el estado de Nueva York, fundado en mayo de 1944 por líderes del ala moderada del Partido Laborista estadounidense en rebelión contra la supuesta infiltración de ese partido por parte de los comunistas. Aunque el partido ha favorecido habitualmente a candidatos del Partido Demócrata (sus 329.000 votos ayudaron a llevar al estado de Nueva York al presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt en su primer intento electoral en 1944), en ocasiones ha apoyado a republicanos liberales, como John V. Lindsay para alcalde de la ciudad de Nueva York (con éxito en 1965 y 1969) y Jacob K. Javits para la reelección como senador de Estados Unidos (con éxito en 1968 y 1974 y sin éxito en 1980). Aunque el Partido Liberal ha carecido de una gran organización, en ocasiones ha logrado promover hasta 100 clubes o capítulos en la ciudad de Nueva York, un comité en general, un consejo de sindicatos, una división de habla hispana, y una división juvenil.
¡Espero que esto te ayude!
Soy muy bueno en español. ¡¡lo siento!!
Liberal Party, a minor U.S. political party in New York state, founded in May 1944 by leaders of the moderate wing of the American Labor Party in revolt against the alleged infiltration of that party by communists. Although the party has usually favoured candidates of the Democratic Party (its 329,000 votes helped carry New York state for President Franklin D. Roosevelt in its first electoral try in 1944), it has on occasion supported liberal Republicans, such as John V. Lindsay for mayor of New York City (successfully in 1965 and 1969) and Jacob K. Javits for reelection as U.S. senator (successfully in 1968 and 1974 and unsuccessfully in 1980). Although the Liberal Party has lacked a grand organization, it has managed at times to promote as many as 100 clubs, or chapters, in New York City, a committee-at-large, a trades-union council, a Spanish-speaking division, and a youth division.
Hope this helps you!
Not very good at spanish. Sorry!!
Correct trade routes, easier to travel, and faster to sell stuff, also safer. If you get lost you have a chance for help.
Slavery in Africa was not heritage that is the children of slaves were free while in the America's, children of slave mothers were considered born into slavery .
The correct answer is A) they emphasized the importance of individual rights for all citizens.
The members of the National Assembly incorporated ideas of the Enlightenment in that they emphasized the importance of individual rights for all citizens.
The National Assembly of France was the name of the revolutionary organization comprised of the members of the third state. It was replaced by the Legislative Assembly in 1791. The name was also used to refer a constituent assembly in the third and fourth Republic. The members of the National Assembly incorporated ideas of the Enlightenment in that they emphasized the importance of individual rights for all citizens.
One of the main ways in which Spain benefited from the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas was that it clarified that certain lands in the New World that were in dispute (since Portugal had also claimed them previously) would go to Spain, thus enlarging the empire.