Las oraciones coordinadas. A través de la coordinación de oraciones formamos una oración compuesta en la que se coordinan entre sí dos ...
Can you be more specific by making a question about what is your concern?
la Selva translates to the jungle, the forest might be a first guess but is not in the answer choices, c is the closest
la madre de mi madre o padre - ABUELA
el abuelo de mi madre o padre - BISABUELO
el hermano de mi madre o padre - TÍO
las hijas de mis tíos o tías - PRIMAS
la madre de mi esposo o esposa - SUEGRA
el esposo de mi hermana o el hermano de mi esposo - CUÑADO
los hijos de mis hijos - NIETOS
el hijo de mi padre pero no de mi madre - HERMANASTRO
Let's revise the vocabulary:
hermano/a - brother/sister
padre - father
madre - mother
esposo - husband
esposa - wife
hijo - son
hija - daughter
uncle - tío
aunt - tía
sobrino - nephew
sobrina - niece
primo/a - cousin
grandfather - abuelo
grandmother - abuela
great-grandfather - bisabuelo
great-grandmother - bisabuela
nieto - grandson
nieta - granddaughter
great-grandson - bisnieto
great-granddaughter - bisnieta
suegro - father-in-law
suegra - mother-in-law
cuñado - brother-in-law
cuñada - sister-in-law
yerno - son-in-law
nuera - daughter-in-law
padrastro - stepfather
madrastra - stepmother
hijastro - stepson
hijastra - stepdaughter
hermanastro - half-brother
hermanastra - half-sister
What impact did the education that Machado received at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza have in his way of
He made him doubt the importance of education and pushed him towards the arts.
He helped him develop his interest in the traditions and folklore of Spain.
He taught him to be an actor and introduced him to the world of theater in Madrid.
He put him in touch with liberal principles and ideas to modernize Spain.