The entry of women into the labor market, provided them with financial independence, which was a major impact on German society.
The massive entry of women into the workforce has had a major impact on society, as it has promoted economic independence for women, allowing them to no longer depend on a male presence for their livelihood. This, in addition to maintaining Germany's economy during the war, allowed women to have more autonomy in their lives, which, over time, made women better understand their social role and search for more rights and civil, political and economic equality.
Douglass developed a passion early on for reading, a passion which, ironically, was provoked by the debased ideas of his master, Hugh Auld.
I don't think that your past should be affected by your future. This is because your past start by pointing out that your ability to envision the future is influenced by your memory from the past. This is because, you tend to use memories of past experiences to predict what your life will be like in the future. It is easier to use your memories when the future you are predicting is very close in time.
Suck a fat ockkkkkkkkkkkkk
The 14th amendment did much to educate and provide jobs for newly freed slaves following the end of the civil war.