Problem and solution. the problem is too many students at the high school, their solutions are sending them to the nearby middle school and bringing in portables.
For many postmodern writers, the various disasters that occurred in the last half of the 20th century left a number of writers with a profound sense of paranoia. They also gave them an awareness of the possibility of utter disaster and apocalypse on the horizon.
"Be careful, the teacher told us, to write your name legibly"
In Chinatown
Waverly includes two characters: an American and another a Chinese one. Her National identity is American but she has a spot in her community because of her Chinese identity. Waverly's personality and background is influenced by her youth in San Francisco's Town center or Chinatown, where she was immersed in Chinese and Chinese-American communities and felt a sense of belonging.
D. They cover floors and walls.
They are actually quite brilliant in color. They do show religious images but they are also geometric. They are not always depicting life.