A. Paralllelism. They come to the same conclusion of needing to do well on this test, but aren't repeating the same exact thing over again.
The rule of escorting sixth graders to the bathroom in some schools does not reflect their maturity.
"Grade Six in Edmonton" is an article that talks about how the schools in Edmonton are trying to develop sixth graders.
<u>While talking about the supervision of sixth graders, the writer writes that schools in Edmonton have rules to make sure that the students do their things on their own, such as crossing the street. Some schools in Edmonton have rules of not escorting the sixth graders to the bathroom, so as to make them learn independence. But some schoolshave rules that they still need to be escorted to the bathroom, which does not reflect the maturity of sixth graders</u>.
So, it is the rule of escorting Grade 6 students to the bathroom that does not reflect their maturity.
The thesis statement is the first sentence of this paragraph, it should be the last sentence of an introductory paragraph.
You'd most likely be dead before you ever got close due to the immense gravitational pull of a black hole. According to scientists, black holes are so strong your body would be pulled apart even before you got pulled in. Scientists call this process "spaghettification".
The correct answer is D. una merienda.
The question is - what might students be seen eating during the Spanish Club party? And the answer is <em>una merienda, </em>which means <em>snacks. </em>Tomamos is a form of the verb <em>tomar, </em>which means to take; <em>juntos </em>means together; el viernes means Friday.
So, having that in mind, the only option that makes sense is D.