They wanted to refine the church of England and make it more pure, so instead of leaveing like the pilgrams they formed the New England Colony, the King of England gave them land around the Massachusetts bay, so they formed their own colony called the Massachusetts Bay colony to live they way their religion was based around.
That would be the principal of federalism
The confederate was more successful
54th Regiment, in full Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts infantry unit made up of African Americans that was active during the American Civil War (1861–65). The 54th Regiment became famous for its fighting prowess and for the great courage of its members
Burgess originally meant a freeman of a borough (England, Wales, Ireland) or burgh (Scotland). It later came to mean an elected or unelected official of a municipality, or the representative of a borough in the English House of Commons. The term was also used in some of the American colonies.