I feel like I am recording as we are all panicking lol
The one thing I notice about this picture is what looks like someone falling over, I don't know why, but it's probably because it looks weird and stands out. This makes me feel like they are running away from something because they are running and they look like they are freaking out. This also reminds me of that one video of Daphne from scooby doo running through the woods with a song by beyonce playing in the background.
Bite - nip and rapid -fast are synonyms while the rest are antonyms. Bite and nip are synonyms because it is the same action described differently. The same is for rapid and fast. Being innocent means to not have done anything but being guilty is having done something. For example, two people are in a court and the judge is deciding who the criminal is, the person who did nothing wrong is innocent and the person who committed the crime is guilty. Insult and compliment are antonyms because they mean two different things. An insult is rude while a compliment is kind. Pass and fail is pretty obvious as well as permanent and temporary. They are opposites of each other, therefore are antonyms.
It was made out of fabric such as the Santa Costanza
Answer: A.) To fit personal preferences
La técnica mosaico muchas veces es usada para fines decorativos que se realiza combinando diferentes elementos para formar una figura que se coloca en paredes, pisos o techos para sustituir la pintura u otro revestimiento.
También es una obra artística elaborada con pequeñas piezas de piedra, cerámica, vidrio u otros materiales, de diversas formas y colores, llamadas teselas, unidas sobre un lecho aún fresco de yeso, cal y polvo de arcilla, cemento u otro aglomerante para formar composiciones decorativas geométricas, figurativas o abstractas.